DigitalHealthEurope catalogue of digital solutions supporting the digital transformation of health and care
Hand hygiene e-learning course
This study measured the readiness for and satisfaction with a hand hygiene e-learning course among healthcare workers in a paediatric oncology centre in Guatemala City. A tailored, e-learning, Spanish-language hand hygiene (HH) course based on
We provide a service to HCPs and patient/care-givers which is enabled via a platform where patient data is collected via an App for mobile telephones or tablets which the patient or care-giver uses.Our educator/coach network
Home mobile system to early detect functional decline to prevent and manage frailty
Designed a home monitoring system to early detect changes in the functional capacity. With a user-centred approach working together with geriatricians, geriatric nurses, psychologists, and frail people. Each version was tested with them to create
ICT solution for patient empowerment and self-management for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (ProEmpower)
Competitive development of ICT solutions for self-management of diabetes mellitus patients as part of the ProEmpower PCP ( The PCP is in ist third and final stage, with two solutions being piloted in the four
ICT4Life platform supports integrated care processes for Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases joining all actors involved in care: patient, caregivers (formal & informal) and professionals (health & social) supporting a better care coordination and integration between
ERS provides the Health Data Management System (HDMS) to process all clinical, administrative and research related data such as data from devices at home, data from clinical decision support services and data from questionnaires. The
Abstract—We report on the photonic variant of the previously introduced guided-path tomography (GPT), by demonstrating a system for footstep imaging using plastic optical fiber (POF) sensors. The 1 m × 2 m sensor head is
Implementation of digital health tools for scalability of a prehabilitation service
The efficacy of prehabilitation (PreHab) to reduce surgical complications, and facilitate postoperative recovery, has been demonstrated (Ann Surg. 2018; 267(1):50-56). Deployment of PreHab as mainstream service at Hospital Clínic de Barcelona (HCB) has been undertaken.
Physical activity monitoring through wearables technology, Neurological condition evaluation through mobile SmartPhohes, and Self-management care network.
Kinesis QTUG™
It is a medical device that assesses an older adults’ falls risk, frailty and mobility with the objective to facilitate the accurate and early identification of patients at risk of falling. QTUG automatically analyses patients’