DigitalHealthEurope catalogue of digital solutions supporting the digital transformation of health and care
Personal Assistant for a healthy Lifestyle (PAL)
The project aims at a Personal Assistant for healthy Lifestyle (PAL) that assists the child, health professional and parent to advance the self-management of children with type 1 diabetes aged 7 – 14, so that
Personal Decision Support System For Heart Failure Management
Developed as part of the HeartMan project (, this is a highly innovative and advanced disease management support system for HF patients, integrating a number of different intervention modalities. It is a user-friendly mobile application
PERsonalised ICT Supported Service for Independent Living and Active Ageing
PERSSILAA, a FP7 funded European project, develops and validates a new service model, to screen for and prevent frailty in community dwelling older adults, integrating nutrition, physical and cognitive function. PERSSILAA develops remote service modules
ProACT (Integrated Technology Systems for ProACTive Patient Centred Care) is an EU-funded Horizon 2020 project in PHC-25-2015. ProACT targets Europe’s 50 million multimorbid patients to proactively self-manage and offset the EU’s annual €700 billion cost
the digital solution was a mobile health app developed to conduct cognitive behavioral therapy in addition to traditional face to face therapy for patients with eating disorders
REHABILITY is the suite of serious games co-designed with specialists and patients post stroke, with Multiple Sclerosis or Parkinson disease. A best practice connected health solution, REHABILITY allows patients to take part in rehabilitation therapy
RMHF – Remote Monitoring in Heart Failure Outpatient
Apply the Information Communication Technology (ICT) in medicine means to respond promptly to the diagnostic needs of patients regardless of where they are. Many companies are investing in and developing markets that address remote management
SalusCoop Citizen cooperative of health data is a data cooperative aims to legitimize citizens’ rights to control their own health records while facilitating data sharing to accelerate research innovation in healthcare.
Sensara ProCare is the 3rd generation sensor technology offering a 24/7 passive alarm function in the nursing home rooms. Four types of alarms are relevant: fall detection, leaving the room, out of bed detection and
Seven telemonitoring projects in Belgium (Flanders)
The purpose was to optimise chronic care management through telemonitoring and the Chronic Care Model.