Monitoring and Assessment Framework for the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (MAFEIP)

The “Monitoring and Assessment Framework for the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing” (MAFEIP) supports evidence-based decision-making processes for all institutions and users in the EU health and care sector. It is a web-based tool whose purpose is to estimate the health and economic outcomes of a large variety of ICT-enabled social and health innovations. The innovations include new care pathways, devices, surgical techniques, and organisational models.
In DigitalHealthEurope, MAFEIP is used by many organisations to assess their impact and cost-effectiveness in order to show their high potential for scaling up and replicability across Europe.
Explore the MAFEIP website, learn more about how the tool works, and find out how to join the MAFEIP user community! Come and meet us at
Status | Solution or Good practice | Project Description |
Finished | iPROGNOSIS – Greece, United Kingdom, Germany | i-PROGNOSIS is a project comprising a partnership made up of eleven academic institutions and companies, from six EU countries, led by Aristotle University of Thessanloniki, Greece. The primary objective of i-PROGNOSIS is to provide an early detection of Parkinson’s Disease through unobtrusive tests based on everday interaction of users with their technological devices. Systematic tests of the i-PROGNOSIS interventions in patients with Parkinson’s Disease (PD) were carried out by three intervention pilots in: Greece (Thessaloniki), UK (London) and Germany (Dresden). |
Finished | Do CHANGE – Badalona, Elisabeth TweeSteden Ziekenhuis, Buddhist Tzu-Chi Dalin General Hospital | Do CHANGE is a project that ended in 2018 and was tested in Spain, the Netherlands, and Taiwan, in addition to receiving funding under the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme. The objective of this project was to develop a health ecosystem to provide citizens with high blood pressure and patients with ischemic disease or heart failure, an integrated disease management system. This system used new innovative wearable “smart” tools that scan the food and fluids consumed by the individuals as well as monitored behavior in the individual’s living situation. |
Finished | BeyondSilos | The main aim of the project BeyondSilos was to enable the delivery of integrated care to older European citizens to support them to live independent lives in the community by providing the ICT tools necessary to integrate care pathways across organisations and locations, in particular between social and health care providers. One of the key areas of the integration was to provide common access to home platforms for all the cross‐sectorial care teams in order to improve care coordination and, therefore, the continuity of care. |
Finished | United4Health | The United4Health project (U4H) tested telehealth services targeting the three main chronic diseases found among the EU population: diabetes, COPD, and CHF. This case covers the telehealth service for patients living with COPD, which has the aim to provide an alternative way to support self-management through the provision of an appropriate level of telemonitoring that is flexible and can respond with fluctuations in their health status and thus avoid future emergency hospital admissions due to a COPD exacerbation. |
Finished | Kinesis QTUG | Kinesis QTUG™ is a medical device that assesses an older adult’s falls risk, frailty, and mobility with the objective to facilitate the accurate and early identification of patients at risk of falling. This would allow for a timely intervention, which could reduce the incidence of fall‐related injury and its associated costs. QTUG automatically analyses patients’ data and compares it with the reference values for the patient’s age and gender. |
Finished | CKD Integrated Care | The main aim of CKD Integrated Care project that was conducted in the Puglia area was to address the need to reduce the level of dialysis taking place in hospitals, and thereby increase the amount of dialysis treatment at home. The goal of the project was to increase quality of life for patients treated with haemodialysis, by increasing home care while reducing the costs of hospitalisation. |
Almost finished | PERSSILAA | PERSSILAA (PERsonalised ICT Supported Service for Independent Living and Active Ageing) aims at the development and validation of a new service model that addresses frailty in community dwelling for older adults. PERSSILAA’s main focus is to (1) develop remote service modules for screening, monitoring and training, (2) enable a transition of care services from fragmented reactive disease management to preventive personalised services, that are offered locally, supported by proactive caregivers and health professionals, which are integrated into existing healthcare services, and (3) set up a technical service infrastructure to support these multiple services and users in an efficient, reliable and easy way which have been entailed gamification, interoperability and clinical decision support. |
Almost finished | REHABILITY | With REHABILITY, patients can carry out their rehabilitation exercises from either the centre in which they are hospitalised or remotely, autonomously but with medical supervision. This version is based on many years of scientific research with specific studies in stroke, Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease. In general, REHABILITY enables patients to carry out their personalised rehabilitation exercises from the convenience and safety of their home. |
More than half-way | ACTIVAGE – Galicia | ACTIVAGE is a European Multi Centric Large-Scale Pilot on Smart Living Environments, with the goal of building the first European Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem to provide services that support and extend the independent living of older adults in their living environments, and respond to real needs of caregivers, service providers and public authorities. The deployment pilot site located in Galicia, Spain was chosen due to the high percentage of the elderly population (65+ years) and the high percentage of expenditure in the healthcare public sector, with respect to the region’s public budget. The use cases deployed in Galicia, include the following: integrated care, emergency trigger, cognitive simulation, prevention of social isolation, and daily active monitoring at home. |
More than half-way | ACTIVAGE – Valencia | The objective of the ACTIVAGE pilot project located in Valencia, is to create a real-life experiment deployment by providing informal caregivers information to understand the daily behaviour of elderly at home and outside. Using IoT solutions, this pilot deployment project provides 24-hour, continuous monitoring of elderly people. The pilot envisages continuous monitoring both in the home of the elderly, in addition to the monitoring of their well-being inside and outside the home in order to make the environment for elderly people safer, easier, and more helpful. |
More than half-way | ACTIVAGE – Madrid | The ACTIVAGE pilot project, with the deployment location in Madrid, Spain, focuses on the early detection and prevention of cognitive performance decrease as well as the risk of falling for elderly individuals. The Madrid deployment site achieves this by implementing an IoT system that transforms the living environment of a patient, both in and out of the home, into a smart living environment to non-intrusively monitoring the daily activities of elderly individuals. |
More than half-way | ACTIVAGE – Emilia Romagna | The objective of the pilot deployment site for ACTIVAGE located in Emilia Romagna, Italy, is to support independent life and ageing by reducing hospitalisation and increasing physical resource utilisation through the monitoring of essential daily activities of elderly individuals. This pilot population is specifically narrowed to mainly elderly individuals who are recovering from a stroke event and are still suffering from the after-effects of strokes, although they do not strictly require institutionalization. |
More than half-way | ACTIVAGE – Greece | The large-scale Greek pilot deployment site for ACTIVAGE promotes a four-fold objective. Firstly, the project promotes Silver Economy policy initiatives on eHealth, active and health ageing, senior tourism, and age-friendly housing. The second objective is to encourage elderly individuals to live independently at home as long as possible, in a health way, through better prevention, community-based solutions, and innovative home care. Next, this Greek pilot boosts innovation by accelerating the development of information and communications technology (ICT) services for the elderly community. Finally, the fourth objective is to support the autonomy of elderly people living on their own by supporting demand-driven solutions through quality and sustainable welfare systems. |
More than half-way | ACTIVAGE – Isère | The ACTIVAGE pilot project, with the deployment location in Isére, France, focuses on providing care that combines human and technical assistance, which bridges the different moment in an elderly individual’s life to limit the loss of autonomy and avoid unnecessary re-hospitalization. The way this is promoted is through daily active monitoring through smart home environments, emergency triggers that detect patterns or events requiring immediate attention, exercise promotion to prevent situations such as falls, social participation through monitoring the interactions and communications with different people, and finally, the safety, comfort, and security at home through the management of sensors and actuators. |
Half-way | ACTIVAGE – Woquaz | The objective of the pilot deployment site for ACTIVAGE located in Germany is to implement an open, extensible system that is replicable and affordable and provides assistance at home and monitoring in nursing homes with automatic, emergency situation recognition software and handling. The German state is investing in buildings, for elderly people, that are equipped with AAL technology which allows for monitoring and IoT infrastructure. |
Half-way | ACTIVAGE – Leeds | Leeds, England has a rising elderly population (65+ years) and a welcoming view towards innovation. It is also the deployment site for ACTIVAGE, with the objective at this site to create a single platform for the elderly, informal and formal caretakers, and health care professionals, and healthy ageing at home by enabling remote monitoring, emergency triggers, and risk identification. The two main use cases for this deployment site are independent living support and personal health and symptoms monitoring. The Leeds deployment site aims to implement energy monitoring equipment along with home sensors as well as smart watches. This provides services around fall detection, remote monitoring of vital health stats, and non-intrusive behaviour detection system through daily active monitoring at home. Furthermore, this project aims to reduce social isolation by facilitating connections through technology and early intervention. |
Half-way | ACTIVAGE – Finland | The objectives of the pilot deployment site for ACTIVAGE located in Finland, are to improve the quality of life for elderly individuals and allow them to live independently with more security as well as increase the physical activity of elderly individuals who are at risk of falling. The objective of independent living is supported by introducing IoT based monitoring of daily activities of elderly individuals at home for self-management and for both informal and formal care giver support. This deployment site also strives to implement integrated care by integrating home care services of the municipality with support of the informal caregivers of the elderly individuals. Regarding the objective of increasing physical activity to prevent falls, exercise is promoted through different options such as gamified physiotherapy, effective rehabilitation with digitalisation. |
Half-way | Recercaixa | The purpose of this study was to conduct a multi-centre randomised controlled trial with patients diagnosed with an eating disorder. In this experiment, the patients from the experimental group have tested an mHealth application (TCApp developed by HealthApp) and then, a clinical efficacy analysis evaluation was performed. It was expected that the implementation of the intensive intervention program with the TCApp would allow an increased improvement of the symptoms related to the eating disorder among patients and also would lead to improvements of several secondary outcomes, such as anxiety, depression and quality of life of both patients and their caregivers. The preliminary results showed that the TCApp is not more effective than regular therapy, both interventions showed an effect on multiple outcomes. In addition, it was expected that the implementation of the intensive treatment with the TCApp by the experimental group would be more cost-effective compared to the control group. Currently, the cost-effectiveness is being analysed. |
Half-way | Telehealth Service for patients after AMI and on anticoagulation treatment | The telehealth service for patients after AMI and on anticoagulation treatment introduces remote monitoring of elderly patients who are hospitalised for acute infarct of myocardium (AMI) in cases of newly diagnosed (or until then unknown diagnosis of) diabetes using telehealth services and patients on anticoagulation treatment. The patients are telemonitored for AMI relapse, unstable angina pectoris and need of further interventional or chirurgic revascularization. The purpose of the current practice is to support patients at home, early detection of frequent comorbidity (diabetes) and respond to unwanted development of patients on anticoagulation regime. |
Started | TELEHOMECARE | The telehomecare Project was started to monitor from home patients with chronic diseases; the aim is to reduce hospital admissions and the length of bed-days in the hospital. The activities include the involvement of hospital specialists, family doctors and professionals working in the area. At any time and in any place the doctor can monitor and communicate with the patient who is cared for from home. The project has also generated a psychological improvement of patients’ health and wellbeing. Through the use of an innovative technology called hospital at home all main physiological parameters of patients are monitored. |
Started | HappyAir | HappyAir is a Smart Community for the integral care of patients with chronic or rare respiratory diseases such as Asthma, COPD or Alpha-1. The HappyAir community provides online and offline training and resources in digital health and social care to patients, family, caregivers, healthcare professionals and researchers. Using the platform, all members are able to connect in order to improve the health and well-being of patients, learn to manage self-care, ensure an active lifestyle, and contribute to the development of current and future research projects. |
Started | Carealia | Carealia brings affordable, highly efficient interconnected devices in everyday healthcare. In the era of Internet of Things, the solutions integrate a wide selection of wearable and ambient devices, allowing information exchange and interpretation. While most healthcare solutions focus on a single aspect, such as sleep or physical activity, Carealia monitors and combines multiple life aspects in one place, providing clinicians with a holistic picture of behavioural patterns and symptoms. The solutions have been shown to aid in the assessment and personalised care of dementia. |
Started | vCare | vCare is an H2020 European project that aims to provide a smart coaching solution grounded on personalized care pathways. vCare stands for Virtual Coaching activities for rehabilitation in elderly and aims at an improved rehabilitation for people as they age, designing personalised rehabilitation programmes that will lead to better continuity of care and a better quality of life for patients who use an advanced virtual coaching system. vCare is exploring how data from at least three sources – the living environment, health information, and regular interactions with affected patients – can be linked intelligently to make certain that patients experience a personalised transition from clinical rehabilitation in the hospital back to home. The project started in 2017 and will end in 2021. |