DigitalHealthEurope (DHE) Twinning “Digital Telecare” provides a comprehensive way to support the transition from analogue to digital telecare services while utilising strategies, business models and resources developed by the twinning partners. Many European countries…
The Research*EU magazine states that even though there are numerous research projects focusing on digital healthcare in the EU, many of them lack the time and resources for large-scale adoption across countries. The DigitalHealthEurope…
Video explaining the adoption of the SoCaTel twinning at the Institute for hospitalisation and assistance services for the older adults of Treviso, Italy (ISRAA)….
DigitalHealthEurope twinning Digital Telecare allows twinning partners to develop and enhance their own digital telecare implementation plans. The critical role of digital technologies, such as telecare, in supporting people to remain living safely at…
The DHE twinning OncologyInMotion aims to help cancer patients recover faster, both physically and psychologically, even from a distance. Rehabilitation after cancer treatment is essential for the social and work reintegration of the patients….
The webinar How to build and nurture a regional/national ecosystem gathered around 70 participants on the 29th April 2021, within a collaboration of the COST Action NET4Age-Friendly with the ECHAlliance. In this session, the…