DigitalHealthEurope catalogue of digital solutions supporting the digital transformation of health and care
Alzheimer’s Disease Prediction Service (ADPS)
The Alzheimer’s Disease Prediction Service (ADPS) employs an easy smartphone test to predict whether someone is likely to develop Alzheimer’s in the next six years, using data that has shown 94% accuracy. It will be
ApneaBand is a medical screening solution to detect and measure sleep apnea, a condition in which breathing is periodically interrupted during sleep. The solution uses a non-intrusive, wearable device that records breathing, which is then
Artificial Pancreas Device System
The Artificial Pancreas Device System is a system of devices that closely mimics the glucose regulating function of a healthy pancreas. Most Artificial Pancreas Device Systems consists of three types of devices already familiar to
Telemonitoring solution. The project aimed at providing integrated and coordinated services for people living at home and who have complex needs which require a flexible approach to both health and social care support. It involved
Big Data and models for personalised Head and Neck Cancer Decision support (BD2Decide)
BD2Decide aims to develop a more precise prognostic prediction than the ones currently used in Cancers of Head and Neck Region (HNC), which targets to implement the first-line treatment in order to maximise the therapeutic
C3 Cloud
C3-Cloud is a European Commission sponsored project that is developing innovative ICT solutions to multi-morbidity. Its starting point is to assess how clinical guidelines published for four long term conditions may be harmonised (for diabetes,
CAMI is offering a fully integrated AAL solution by providing services for health management, home management and well-being (including socialisation, and reduced mobility support). CAMI builds an artificial intelligence ecosystem, which allows seamless integration of
Carealia aims to bring affordable, cost- and time-effective ICT solutions to dementia care for the wider public. Specifically, the company builds smart monitoring systems to assist in the care of dementia in homes and nursing
carelink+ is a centralised client service management ICT system developed to support service integration in aged care organisations
CKD Integrated Care
CKD is a silent disease that should be early identified by general practicioners (GPs) for an early referral to nephrologists to avoid its progression towards end stage kidney disease. The clinical characteristics of CKD patients