The DHE twinning SoCaTel has already allowed the co-creation of a multi-stakeholder platform for better access to long-term care (LTC) services
The DigitalHealthEurope (DHE) twinning SoCaTel focuses on creating, implementing, and piloting a multi-module and multi-stakeholder co-creation platform, which fosters ageing-in-place in a friendly environment and community. This way, the SoCaTel platform is an innovative technological tool aiming to facilitate the online co-creation of LTC services. It establishes a connection between the service customers and service providers in the design and development of new services.
This DHE twinning is coordinated by Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Spain) as twinning originator and will be fully adopted by ISRAA – Istituto per Servizi di Ricovero e Assistenza agli Anziani (a public health care provider in Treviso, Italy).
Within the SoCaTel project (H2020, 2017-2019), the SoCaTel platform has been co-created together with stakeholders by means of co-creation workshops where stakeholders’ feedbacks have been collected and integrated into the platform.

On 2 September 2020 a kick-off meeting between the University team (originator) and ISRAA’s one (adopter) officially started the DHE twinning. Additionally, technical meetings and an internal test of the SoCaTel platform have been held virtually, helping the members of ISRAA to become familiar with the platform.
For scaling-up the twinning, the digital co-creation process was divided into five principal steps:
1.) Co-ideation
2.) Co-definition
3.) Co-design
4.) Co-development
5.) Co-validation.

By now, the platform is already completed, and only minor changes are needed.
ISRAA has also started the process of involving potential stakeholders interested in adoption and testing of the platform.
For further information on the DHE twinning SoCaTel click here and have a look at the introduction video.