First Roundtable Sessions Within the framework of DigitalHealthEurope, two roundtable meetings have been held, focusing respectively on the legal and interoperability challenges of health data use. In each workshop, experts were invited to share…
This consultation was one of a series of DHE workshops / webinars and surveys taking place during spring, summer and fall 2020. It is intended to lead to a common understanding of what actions…
Discussions on health data sharing reflect multiple perspectives, interests, and even biases. These tensions need to be acknowledged while policy makers and citizens search for potential compromise solutions that can be implemented in the…
DigitalHealthEurope consortia from, ECHAlliance, empirica, SPMS and i~HD contributed to an online workshop on “Trust, citizen empowerment and the role of digital literacy on health data sharing” at the Health Data Forum (28.10.-30.10). The…
Over the summer 2020, DigitalHealtEurope has been working with members of the 1+Million Genomes Initiative and the European Commission to support the development of a roadmap that will ensure the initiative’s target of having…
The DigitalHealthEurope twinning AppSaludable helped to develop common requirements for mHealth app design, use and assessment in Andalusia and Portugal. Over the course of nine months, the Andalusian Agency for Healthcare Quality (ACSA, belonging…