Twinning FAQ

A Twinning Contractor can be a Twinning Originator, a Twinning Adopter region or a Third Party. Participation is open to legal entities established in a Member State of the European Union. Twinning subcontracting is an eligible cost category.
A Twinning Contractor can be a Twinning Originator, a Twinning Adopter region or a Third Party. Participation is open to legal entities established in a Member State of the European Union. Twinning subcontracting is an eligible cost category.
Twinning Subcontracting can be used. Twinning Subcontracting is a fixed sum due on completion of the twinning activities and acceptance of the invoice for funding by the Commission. Twinning Subcontracting can cover not only subcontracting taking place for the twinning itself, but also other costs incurred by Originator and Adopter(s) which cannot be invoiced directly to the Acting Procurer either as Twinning Personnel or Twinning Direct Costs.
Twinning activities must involve the transfer of digital know-how to at least one Twinning Adopter region from another region or organisation (Twinning Originator). Twinning Originator and Twinning Adopter(s) must be from different countries
For personnel costs, individuals contributing to a twinning activity conclude a contract directly with the Acting Procurer using template TD5. It follows that direct contract between each individual concerned and the Acting Procurer must be put in place. The contract cannot be with an organisation.
Twinning Subcontracting is a fixed sum due on completion of the twinning activities and acceptance of the invoice for funding by the Commission. Twinning Subcontracting can cover not only subcontracting taking place for the twinning itself, but also other costs incurred by Originator and Adopter(s) which cannot be invoiced directly to the Acting Procurer either as Twinning Personnel or Twinning Direct Costs.
Any such cost must fall under eligibility criteria specified in the Grant Agreement, such as in Article 6.2 D.3: “Costs of other goods and services (including related duties, taxes and charges such as non-deductible value added tax (VAT) paid by the beneficiary) are eligible, if they are:(a)purchased specifically for the action and in accordance with Article 10.1.1 or(b)contributed in kind against payment and in accordance with Article 11.1.Such goods and services include, for instance, consumables and supplies, dissemination (including open access), protection of results, certificates on the financial statements (if they are required by the Agreement), certificates on the methodology, translations and publications.”
The focus of twinning is on local, regional and national health and care providers in Europe that wish to adopt innovative solutions which are available for transfer from another local, regional and national health and care provider in Europe. As the twinning scheme is implemented within a Horizon2020 project, H2020 eligible countries can apply.
An organisation may participate in more than one twinning tender, so long as the twinning solutions and the twinning activities are both significantly different.
For the Twinning Personnel budget, eligibility criteria are specified in Grant Agreement 6.2 A.2: “The costs for natural persons working under a direct contract with the beneficiary other than an employment contract are eligible personnel costs, if: (a)the person works under conditions similar to those of an employee (in particular regarding the way the work is organised, the tasks that are performed and the premises where they are performed);(b)the result of the work carried out belongs to the beneficiary (unless exceptionally agreed otherwise), and(c)the costs are not significantly different from those for personnel performing similar tasks under an employment contract with the beneficiary.” For the Twinning Direct Costs, eligibility criteria are specified in Grant Agreement 6.2 D.1: “Travel costs and related subsistence allowances(including related duties, taxes and charges such as non-deductible value added tax (VAT) paid by the beneficiary) are eligible if they are in line with the beneficiary’s usual practices on travel”.
For personnel costs, individuals contributing to a twinning activity conclude a contract directly with the Acting Procurer using template TD5. It follows that direct contract between each individual concerned and the Acting Procurer must be put in place. The contract cannot be with an organisation.
The total budget for all twinnings to be funded in this call is €932,000. Twinning contracts will be awarded based on the available budget, i.e. contracts will be awarded until the remaining budget is insufficient to fund the next best twinning tender that has passed the evaluation threshold. The maximum allowed budgets for each twinning type are as follows: – Knowledge exchange & training, digital skills: €5,000 – Adaptation: €9,500 – Partial adoption : €17,000 – Full adoption / acquisition: €43,000