Thanks to the DHE project, it has become possible to create an app for patients that may have neurocognitive alterations in order to evaluate the reflexes necessary to drive. The DigitalHealthEurope (DHE) twinning SafeDrive…
Twinning solution
Twinning type
Main policy priority
Short description
Driving skills are a set of paradigmatic cognitive functions of the entire cognitive state of the patient. Therefore, an assessment of the possible reduction of these abilities allows not only detailed instructions to patients regarding the possibility of driving motor vehicles but also a possible neurocognitive rehabilitation of the patients to be calibrated in a personal way.
The idea of the twinning adopter is to use the SafeDrive App on patients taking opioids for chronic pain and on all those who may have neurocognitive alterations for any reason of pathology or therapy in order to evaluate the reflexes necessary to drive. As a result, the app assesses a person’s performance, considering the visual and auditory reflexes. Thanks to the digital solution it will be possible to remotely monitor the status of patients, activating a path of neurocognitive rehabilitation in case the software registers several times the failure of the test. The twinning will improve the social, work, and family reintegration of users who take opioid medications and may also increase the safety on the streets of all those who participate.