The DHE twinning OncologyInMotion aims to help cancer patients recover faster, both physically and psychologically, even from a distance. Rehabilitation after cancer treatment is essential for the social and work reintegration of the patients….
Twinning solution
Twinning type
Main policy priority
Short description
OncologyInMotion aims to help patients recover faster in both physical and psychological ways after a surgical breast cancer operation. The idea is to create a multilingual software that collects real-time patient data of the physical activity and to try to stimulate as much as possible the execution of at least 150 minutes of physical activity per week, given the fact that assisted rehabilitation performs better than self-management.
Using the software via a mobile app will prevent losing patient data that do not proceed with check-ups and will promote higher patient health and digital literacy as it is not necessary anymore for the patient to repetitively upload and download data. During periodic patient check-ups, the health institutions will then be able to monitor activities during the period at home due to the recorded data. The twinning solution can also be adapted and applied to other, non-oncological pathologies, as the adopter is planning to do.