Twinning solution

Mobile Airways Sentinel NetworK Allergy Diary

Twinning type

Full adoption

Main policy priority

Digital tools for citizen empowerment and for person-centred care


KYOMED (France)


Hospital District of Helsinki & University of Helsinki (Finland); C. Bachert (Belgium); Azienda Sanitaria Locale (Italy); University of Bari (Italy); University of Torino (Italy); N. Scichilone (Italy); DHRR – DIGITAL HEALTH REGISTRY & RESEARCH SRL – Impresa Sociale (Italy); Global Allergy and Asthma European Network_GA2LEN (Germany); M. Papadopoulous (Greece); Lithuanian Association of Allergy and Asthma (Lithuania); Macvia (France); Medical University of Lodz (Poland); University Of Gdansk (Poland); P. Kuna (Poland); Hospital Centre and University of Coimbra (Portugal); University of Porto (Portugal); University of Lisbon (Portugal); Servicio Aragones de Salud (Spain); IDIBAPS, Institute of Biomedics Investigation (Spain); J. Anto (Spain)

Short description

This mobile app is dedicated to putting allergic rhinitis under control. It is an electronic diary that provides follow-up on one’s allergic symptoms and health conditions, assessing adherence to treatment and helping in the shared decision making between the patient and the healthcare professionals. The solution will build on the experience of the ARIA-MASK program, a first twinning which was devoted to rhinitis and asthma multimorbidity and included 22 Reference Sites.
Adopters will be able to continue or start to be a member of the very active ARIA-MASK group, to participate in a Good Practice on the Digital Transformation of Health and Care, to get the label of ARIACare, and to participate in the trials.


Twinning activities

The DigitalHealthEurope twinning kick-off meeting was carried out on time and the meeting report completed. This meeting was a two-day meeting. The first day was the kick-off meeting and the second day was used to prepare an H2020 call (RealCOMAS: Real-life data in complex multimorbid severe asthma, SC1-DTH-12-2020 RIA, Use of Real-World Data to advance research in the management of complex chronic conditions) that was submitted in June 2020. See outcomes for further activities that were completed.


The MASK-air® app has been updated in 18 languages and 27 countries. It is freely available on IOS and Android. It will be used for RealCOMAS if the grant is accepted. The ARIACARE network has been completed and the members of the Twinning who attended the meeting in Paris have been asked to be included in the network. Others will be included before the end of the year. They have already participated in several ARIA papers. The physician’s questionnaire for asthma has been completed and will be used for RealCOMAS if the grant is accepted. The twinning has been endorsed by GARD (Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases, World Health Organization) to be a GARD demonstration project following the previous studies of MASK-air®.

Added value and benefits

As indicated in the outcomes, the twinning lead to 1) the integration of twinning members in the 20-year ARIA journey, 2) the development of an H2020 proposal, 3) the better understanding of the interactions between asthma and COVID-19, 4) the development of new tools (some proposed, others following the COVID-19 outbreak). It seems that these tools are unique since the partners developed a COVID-19 app available on ANDROID and used the lessons learned with the app to develop the new asthma app.

Barriers and success factors

The H2020 proposal was the critical success factor for the success of the twinning. The COVID-19 pandemic created the main barrier for the project.


The twinning partners submitted a grant proposal for an H2020 grant (answer end of October): RealCOMAS: Real-life data in complex multimorbid severe asthma, SC1-DTH-12-2020 RIA, Use of Real-World Data to advance research in the management of complex chronic conditions that was submitted in June 2020. Most of the DHE twinning members are either members of the RealCOMAS consortium or will be included by the ARIACARE Digital. In case the grant is not accepted, the partners have a sustainability plan to carry out the study at a minimum cost.