Digital collaboration and synergies between EU decentralised agencies and DG SANTE – Health Policy Agency Collaboration)

General information


Better data to promote research, disease prevention and personalised health and care





Deadline model


Submission date


€ Procurement

Type of action


The actions under this thematic section have as objectives: (a) to create a series of domain specific data lakes to nurture data ecosystems for the Health Policy Agency Collaboration members enabling the sharing of structured and unstructured data and providing the groundwork to launch more modern tools and techniques, such as using artificial intelligence to gain insights from data or employing process automation techniques in order to bring further efficiencies; (b) to provide for a single digital customer relationship management solution to capture the interactions with various stakeholders and hold a common repository to manage these stakeholders; (c) to evaluate and assess the current digital landscape with the goal to find common business needs for common solutions and to propose rationalisation and strategic actions for evolution. This action aims to facilitate the sharing of data via a number of different digital solutions between DG SANTE and its partner health policy Agencies enabling stakeholders to make evidence based decisions. Being able to have statistics, simulations, visualisations and navigation across this huge knowledge base will provide answers to questions about the value of implementing legislation, the degree of adherence to legislation and the benchmarking and crosschecking of available data. Within this thematic area, the Commission plans to launch open procedures for a framework contract for services related to ‘Health Policy digital domain solutions and services’.