Action grants on collection tasks in relation to updating the European Cancer Information System to monitor and assess cancer screening programmes

General information


Better data to promote research, disease prevention and personalised health and care





Deadline model


Submission date

15 September 2021


€ Grant

Type of action


This action supports the linking of data provided by the cancer screening programmes into ECIS with a view to allowing the permanent monitoring of the screening programmes, including the performance indicators. The action will consist in the collection of data from entities in the Member States that are responsible for collecting data on cancer screening, in order to provide this data to ECIS, and develop a piloting of the new ECIS functionality as well as a new separate section to ensure a permanent collection and monitoring of the coverage and performance indicators of population-based cancer screening across the Union. SCOPE Description of the activities to be funded under this topic 1. Preparatory work through meetings (5) and workshops (5) to create a platform in which data and indicators on population-based cancer screening programmes are collected, collated and further assessed under the European Cancer Information System. 2. Actions to support the first piloting of the platform developed under point 1, including collection of available datasets related to breast, colorectal and cervical cancer screening programmes. The expected result is the collection of the relevant cancer screening data from the Member States. This action aims at improving the monitoring of the implementation of cancer screening programmes across the Union, and will have an impact on the implementation of such programmes by providing the Member States with evidence-based information to strengthen their programmes.