On 16 January 2019, the new DigitalHealthEurope project was presented by Dr. Veli Stroetmann, empirica Head of eHealth Research and Policy, at Health and Care in a Digitising World: Integrating eHealth into Public Healthcare Systems. The event took place in Brussels, organised by the Public Policy Exchange platform.
Dr. Veli Stroetmann participated in the symposium as one of the ten Key Speakers, alongside European Commission representative Marco Marsella (Head of Unit eHealth, Well-being and Aging, DG CONNECT). Nick Guldemond, Associate Professor Integrated Care & Technology, Erasmus University Rotterdam, chaired the event.
The DigitalHealthEurope presentation focused on the objectives of the project and the actions planned in the context of its work programme, such as the upcoming Call for Twinnings which will be made public in June 2019. The discussion highlighted how the work in DigitalHealthEurope builds on results from both the ScaleAHA project which organised a successful Twinning scheme in 2016 and the WE4AHA project which pursues further developing the Blueprint on Digital Transformation of Health and Care.