Patient reported experience measures

Patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) and patient reported experience measures (PREMs) are instruments for evaluating outcomes and experiences of health care from the patient’s perspective.[62] While PROMs quantify healthcare outcomes. PREMs assess patients’ needs and experiences during their care.[63] [62] Rudolph C., Petersen G. S., Pritzkuleit R., Storm H. & Katalinic A. (2019). The acceptance and applicability of a patient-reported experience measurement tool in oncological care: a descriptive feasibility study in Northern Germany [pdf]. BMC Health Services Research. [63] Rudolph C., Petersen G. S., Pritzkuleit R., Storm H. & Katalinic A. (2019). The acceptance and applicability of a patient-reported experience measurement tool in oncological care: a descriptive feasibility study in Northern Germany [pdf]. BMC Health Services Research.