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Webinar: Funding Opportunities for Digital Health in 2021-2027

DigitalHealthEurope (DHE) partner Central European Initiative (CEI) presented the webinar “Funding Opportunities for Digital Health in 2021-2027”. The main aim of the event was to provide information on the opportunities and content of the upcoming calls of the Digital Europe Programme.

The webinar took place on 18 June at 10:00am CET. At the event, DHE partners involved Digital Innovation Hubs from Central-Eastern Europe to present their needs and ideas, boosting potential match-making and future partnerships.

The event started with a presentation from DHE partner Funka on the DigitalHealthEurope project and its funding support services, as well as an overview of the Digital Europe programme objectives provided by Birgit Morlion from EC DG Connect.

After the presentation, Clayton Hamilton from WHO Europe discussed digital health in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. This was followed by reports from the CEI network’s organisations focusing on needs, ideas and potential proposals that can be developed on different aspects of digital health related to the content of the mentioned calls.

The webinar was held in English on the Zoom platform.




June 18, 2021
10:00 am


June 18, 2021
11:30 am

