My Patient Data


My Patient Data
/ Meine Patientendaten



Application area

Mobile app tracking personal health and able to transfer the data via barcode to any healthcare record


This App is used to store the patient data and to exchange these data during a visit to the GP. Due to the current situation, medical history and follow-up for corona was added. The App generates a barcode, which contains selected medically relevant data. Using this barcode the app can transfer the medical data into any healthcare professional’s database WITHOUT using the Internet. Conversely, you can read data into this app (for example laboratory values, patient information, clinical findings or a discharge letter) using a barcode, which is provided by the doctor. The personal patient data is only stored on one’s smartphone or tablet in encrypted form.

Target group

Hospitals; Primary care centres; Specialised physicians; General practitioners; Nurses; Day care centres; Home care centres; Nursing homes; Small-sized industry (10-49 employees); Research centres; NGOs; Academia; Regional public authorities; Local public authorities; patients/users

