The DHE Twinning MyPrescription is the result of collaboration between the Public Health System of Andalusia (SSPA), Spain and the Federico II University Hospital, Italy, with a goal of improving the management of patients’ health plans and prescribed medication.
One of the major problems medical doctors face every day is patient adherence to treatment. This issue is particularly relevant in specific patient groups such as older adults and patients with low health literacy. The DHE Twinning MyPrescription is the result of collaboration between the Public Health System of Andalusia (SSPA), Spain as an originator and the Federico II University Hospital, Italy, as an adopter with a goal of addressing this specific problem.
More specifically, MyPrescription is a mobile app designed by the SSPA that allows patients to access a tab of the medication, schedule notices of the shots, and access all the information on medication with the help of a barcode. In the context of the DigitalHealthEurope (DHE) project, the twinning was designed to share the Andalusian experience with the Federico II University Hospital and to create a similar initiative within the Campania health system. As a first step in implementing the twinning, the Federico II University Hospital conducted context analysis with a clear presentation of its organisation and Campania’s healthcare system, including population unmet health needs and technological infrastructure.
Furthermore, both partners held several meetings in order to facilitate the successful adoption of the solution. During the site visit, it was decided to switch from MyPrescription to Recuerdamed to avoid the difficulties associated with the integration of the app with the electronic health records and ePrescription system.
As the next step after an Italian version of the Recuerdamed App had been developed, partners designed a clinical study to measure the usability of the Italian version of the app in a cohort of geriatric patients.
Currently, the study is ongoing, and researchers are at the stage of recruiting patients for a pilot study. Enrolled patients are then expected to use the installed app at home for two weeks after which they will be asked to fill in a questionnaire to assess the usability of the software.
According to the results of the pilot study, it will be possible to develop a business model to transfer the solution on a regional scale, integrated with the electronic prescription and Campania Regional Health System. Proposed by the twinnings solution will make it possible to support doctors, patients, and carers in the management of polypharmacy in older adults, improving adherence and preventing adverse events.