Communicable diseases: surveillance systems requirements, early detection, risk assessment

General information


Citizens’ secure access to and sharing of health data across borders





Deadline model


Submission date


€ Procurement

Type of action


The actions under this thematic section have as objectives: a) to support a real-time integrated surveillance system at Union level, assist and support Member States in the development of interoperable, reliable and modern national surveillance systems, driven by digital transformation; b) to conduct a data protection impact assessment of the Early Warning and Response System (EWRS) digital platforms; c) to perform an analysis of the contact tracing management in EWRS taking into account the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on contact tracing practice; d) to support the technical finalisation of the European digital platform for traveller contact tracing (Healthy Gateways), a digital single entry point and database for passenger locator forms. The expected results are a gap analysis feeding into the development of requirements for futureoriented integrated, artificial intelligence and electronic data based, real-time surveillance systems and subsequently an adequate deployment of digital platforms and applications supporting epidemiological surveillance that comply with the data protection requirements. Furthermore, the results include the sustainable establishment of the digital platform for traveller contact tracing. Within this thematic area, the Commission plans to launch open procedures for a feasibility study on whether the contact tracing tools and application used at national and Union level could be integrated into and interoperable with the EWRS.